

kangaroo house

Continental La Coruña

off canvas interior


On 24 May at about 12.10 p.m. I will give a lecture at the SED (digital building exhibition) in Caserta entitled: THE IMAGINARY OF ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE: THE NEW ARCHITECTURAL PARADIGMS. I would like to thank the organisers and in particular Architect Antonio Buonocore for the invitation.

Many thanks to IADA (The Institute of Architecture, Design and Art of the Autonomous University of Ciudad Juarez) which will host the XI International Forum of Interior Design Research, for the invitation to the lectio magistralis entitled “Imaginario sintetico en el proceso de Disegno” to be held on April 26 2024 at 9.00 am Juarez city and 16.00 pm Madrid.

The Invisible Rooms [le stanze invisibili] small AI video installation. April 16-21 2024 Milano Fuori Salone

I would like to thank Matias del Campo for the excellent presentation of his book Diffusions in Architecture and how he organised it, and above all for the great ability he has to range between technical but also literary and even philosophical arguments when dealing with such an innovative yet unexplored topic. The journey has just begun, but Matias is undoubtedly not only a very talented architect, but also one of the great figures of reference when it comes to Ai and architecture

INNER/OUTER: ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE AND NEW ARCHITECTURAL PARADIGMS. At the Polo Michelangelo Institute on Feb. 14, 2024 at 11 a.m.

October 26  2023 at 11.00. An honour to be invited to the University of Architecture in Cagliari to speak about architectural hybrids produced with AI. Special thanks to Prof. Paolo Sanjust 

March 29  2023 at 16.00. an honour to participate in the panel discussion with great people, the final stage of a series of seminars on AI, today at 16.00 at the Vanvitelli University in Naples. 

March 2  2023 at 16.00 I will give an online lecture entitled the Hybris of intelligent machines. A special thanks for this second appointment and also for the  Vanvitelli University’s commitment to have introduced a debate on architecture, representation and Artificial Intelligence, go to the Director Ornella Zerlenga, the PhD Coordinator Paolo Giordano and Professor Alessandra Cirafici. An honor to participate in this cycle.

December 2022. An honour and a pleasure to have been invited to a conference at University of Alcalá UAH. My thanks go to Professor Jose Juan Barba 

November 2022. An honour and a pleasure to have been invited to a conference at the Vanvitelli University. My thanks go to Ornella Zerlenga (Director of the Department of Architecture), and in particular to Professors Alessandra Cirafici and Carlos Campos.

August 2022. Thanks to Carlos Campos for inviting me to the University of Buenos Aires for a meeting with the students on the topic of architecture, imagination and artificial intelligence

June 2021. Thanks to Samer Eid for inviting me to Alba Lebanon university as final juror for the correction of the fantastic works of his students

Summer 2020. Exited about a third competition I’m curator of . Is there a way we can bring both nature and architecture in one form so seamless they become one?  I want to thank UNI Competitions for the invitation and thanks the amazing jury panel: Alessandro Melis, Carlos Campos,  Jose Juan Barba

January 2020. Exited about a second competition I’m curator of . Tourist or traveler? With the title of A NEW WOOD, is about to re-propose a different sense of the concept of path, the wood in the fairy tale of little red riding hood. A GREAT CHALLENGE of which I want to thank UNI Competitions for the invitation and a huge thank to another wonderful, amazing team of jurors. Anton Markus Pasing, Riet Eeckhout, Belén Butragueño Díaz-Guerra, Alexander Daxböck, Giacomo Costa and Sotirios Papadopoulos

December 2019. I am honoured about this first competition which I am the lead curator of. I take this opportunity to thank UNI Competitions for inviting me and especially the 5 Jurors who have accepted to accompany me in this challenge. Thanks to Yuri Avvakumov, Antonello Marotta, Donatella Cusma’, Yannis Graos, Massimiliano

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